Geek Girl!

06/01/2013 11:08

This is a new post to geekly weekly about new tech and the web.

Geek Girl- Wii U Edition


As you may know, the wii u was recently released. It's controller has a screen, so if an annoying family member wants to watch the TV while you're clearly playing on your new wii, you can put on the TV but still carry on playing using the screen on the remote. The wii comes in two colours: white, and black. The white is a simple 8gb pack, while the black premium is a 32gb pack. When you buy the wii u, it comes with a game called nintendo land (like the wii sports game that came with the first wii).

Below is a diagram of the console and GamePad, the pad has a camera which enables chat between players.


The Wii U has better screen resolution than the earlier version of the Wii.